May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020RE3-RE520-8M ELECTROVOICE
Wireless system with re520 handheld receiver and transmitter (823-865MHz)
Wireless system with handheld UHF Diversity receiver and transmitter, with RE520 condenser hypercardioid capsule and battery level indicator on transmitter & receiver. Output balanced (XLR), unbalanced (Jack). The frequencies are divided into 8 groups with up to 22 channels (frequencies) per group. LCD screen with group, channel, frequency diversity, sensitivity, status, battery, RF and audio level indicators. Ability to automatically find the "cleanest" channel through the "Scan" function. After finding the correct frequency in the receiver we can transfer the data to the transmitter via infrared with the "Sync" function or manually from the transmitter. Works with 2AA batteries.
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